Category: New Feature

A Big Change to Our Share Pages

A Big Change to Our Share Pages

We have a very exciting announcement today. A big priority at ShareProgress has always been figuring out how we can optimize the performance of the tools we provide… Continue Reading

There's a Bookmarklet for That!

There's a Bookmarklet for That!

Most of us haven’t heard about the little-known but powerful bookmarklet. A bookmarklet is a browser automation tool that can increase your work efficiency and improve your web… Continue Reading

New Feature: Email Share Buttons

New Feature: Email Share Buttons

Have you ever wished you could A/B test social sharing within your email campaigns? If so, we’ve got some good news. ShareProgess is rolling out a new feature… Continue Reading

We're launching a referral program!

We're launching a referral program!

Today, we have a very exciting announcement–ShareProgress is launching a referral program! Many of the organizations we work with have joined based on recommendations from others, and we’ve… Continue Reading