Category: Case Studies

New Feature: Email Share Buttons

New Feature: Email Share Buttons

Have you ever wished you could A/B test social sharing within your email campaigns? If so, we’ve got some good news. ShareProgess is rolling out a new feature… Continue Reading

Case Study: Compassion & Choices

Case Study: Compassion & Choices

You probably heard about Brittany Maynard this past fall. She was a woman with terminal brain cancer who chose to move to Oregon in order to live out… Continue Reading

Case Study: Solar Rooftop Petition Reaches 17 Generations of Social Media Sharing

Case Study: Solar Rooftop Petition Reaches 17 Generations of Social Media Sharing

The typical petition has less than ten generations of social media growth– this petition had 17. Find out how to optimize for generations of social media growth.

Case Study: ShareProgress amps up social sharing on ControlShift petitions

Case Study: ShareProgress amps up social sharing on ControlShift petitions

Find out how ShareProgress helped CREDO Mobilize get more actions on their crowd-sourced petitions.

Is social media A/B testing worth it?

Is social media A/B testing worth it?

Social media A/B testing has lead some organizations to massive gains. But is it really worth it for you?